Saturday, March 12, 2011


My name is Jared Fisher. I am a writer in progress, and this is the blog of my debut project, though my saying that isn't entirely truthful, for I am merely a set of temporal hands to be guided by the ever beyond understanding God.

I wish for my work to impact those beyond myself through the words of the Father, evermost, though it is a goal I once thought I did not need. I have attempted to write in the past for my own gain and satisfaction alone, but over time I found myself run dry, unable to progress, unable to think. . .suffice to say, spent. Then words came from a person whom I respect deeply, claiming he had felt God tug at his heart to tell me that, 'Your writing, your ability to write, like all of your blessings, comes from God. As such, it belongs to Him, and it is best used how He intended.'

The exact words are not remembered, but the message stuck me at my core. I was doing everything wrong! All the lessons I had learned in classes, lessons, and whatnot, it helped, yes, but it wasn't enough. I was writing in the dark, if you will, and I needed a light to come and guide me in the right line.

After praying and opening the writer's portion of my soul to God, something happened. It started small, very small, but it began to grow in me. It was an idea. Now, call it what you will, but the fact that a story concept nearly wrote itself AFTER I poured myself out to a God some do not believe exists is a strong resounding cry in my heart of hearts, and thus my journey into the world of The Value began.

Now, you all will be allowed a glimpse into the world of Husae, the places, people, and forces at work, as you follow the official blog of The Value. I pray you enjoy, and follow along your own line God has set for you.

Thank you.

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